Spinning up a VPS on Linode with your favourite Linux distro and setting up a WireGuard server is truly easy and intuitive on its WebUI portal. I have done the same process of a VPS setup and its required configuration so many times on all those different cloud providers like Digital Ocean and Vultr. They are almost the same in user experience on each portal. However, I can't use it all platforms at the same time to make my workflow template-able like any other things in life. Repeating the same damn things is a bit boring and tedious. I am not a big fan of repeating the same thing again and again as I am lazy enough to get bored easily. Thus always looking for the easier way to make my life less miserable. Plus the cloud is not supposed to consume like that. It has its own way; DevOps way of life. So I have invested a week worth of research and implementing Ansible playbooks to automate my workflow on Linode.
In this article, I would like to share the Ansible workflow I use on Linode. Here is the list of prerequisites before straight delve into the tutorial.
Copy the encrypted password block into var/linode_wg.yml
Repeat the same encryption process with Linode API token
As you are in var/linode_wg.yml, update the following variables as desired.
ssh_keys: >
['<< Your SSH Public Key Here! >>', '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub']
hostname: tyla-linode-wg01 # change the hostname as required
type: g6-nanode-1 # change Linode Plan as required. Here it uses the Linode's Shared CPU Nanode (RAM: 1 GB, CPUs: 1 & Storage: 25 GB) as my node
region: ap-south # change the region as required. Here it uses Singapore as my region
image: linode/ubuntu20.04 # change the image as required. Here it uses the Linode's Ubuntu20.04 as my base image
gt: tyla-linode-wg # it uses for group and tag names
wg_ip: '' # wireguard server wg0 virtual interface IP
my_ip: '' # your public IP for SSH remote access restriction
password: << Your "ansible-vault encrypt_string 'YourSecretHere' --name 'password'" Output Here! >> # root password used for the new Linode which is encrypted with ansible-vault for security
token: << Your "ansible-vault encrypt_string 'YourLinodeAPITokenHere' --name 'token'" Output Here! >> # Linode API Token created on your Linode portal which is encrypted with ansible-vault for security
Also note that wg_ip: variable's IP subnet needs to be same as the subnet used in wg/users.csv as shown in below sample.
Believe it or not. It is all good and ready to run wg_build.yml playbook now.
# To run the whole wg_build.yml playbook
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml
# To run a specific play in wg_build.yml playbook
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags infra
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags init
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags wg
# To run unit testing on Linode initial config and wireguard config
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags conf-test
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags wg-test
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_build.yml --tags tests
Relevant notes are added to each playbook for further description as well.
# First play is used to create a new linode with your Linode portal API Token as below play
hosts: localhost
tags: [ always, infra ] # those tags can be used for easy access to a particular play of the whole playbook
- ../vars/linode_wg.yml
- name: Create a new Linode.
label: "{{ hostname }}"
access_token: "{{ token }}"
type: "{{ type }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
image: "{{ image }}"
root_pass: "{{ password }}"
authorized_keys: "{{ ssh_keys }}"
group: "{{ gt }}"
tags: "{{ gt }}"
state: present
register: tyla
- name: Display info about my Linode instance # this task is used for the new Linode verificaiton
msg: "{{ hostname }} | {{ tyla.instance.id }} | {{ tyla.instance.ipv4[0] }}"
- name: Add new host to in-memory inventory # this task is used to add the Linode public IP to Ansible in-memory inventory along with its group name
name: "{{ tyla.instance.ipv4[0] }}"
groups: linode_wg
changed_when: false
- name: Wait for Linode to listen on port 22 # ensure that the new Linode is running and ready to move on with the next play
state: started
host: "{{ tyla.instance.ipv4[0] }}"
port: 22
# Second play is used for a standard initial configuration required on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux box
tags: init
hosts: linode_wg
user: root
- ../vars/linode_wg.yml
- name: Initial Linode Configuration
tags: conf
block: # block is used here for controlling which set of tasks in each I want to execute. e.g., here I tag 'conf'
- name: Set hostname
hostname: name="{{ hostname }}"
- name: Update apt repo and cache
apt: update_cache=yes force_apt_get=yes cache_valid_time=3600
- name: Upgrade all apt packages
apt: upgrade=dist force_apt_get=yes
- name: Check if a reboot is needed after apt upgrade
register: reboot
stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required get_md5=no
- name: Reboot the Ubuntu Linode
msg: "Reboot initiated by Ansible due to kernel updates"
connect_timeout: 5
reboot_timeout: 300
pre_reboot_delay: 0
post_reboot_delay: 30
test_command: uptime
when: reboot.stat.exists
- name: Enable packet forwarding for IPv4 # this task is important for WireGuard to work correctly by allowing IP forwarding thru the node
name: net.ipv4.ip_forward
value: '1'
sysctl_set: true
state: present
reload: true
- name: Configure SSH key authentication only # desired state of /etc/ssh/sshd_config is used to restrict ssh remote access
copy: src=../files/sshd_config dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config
notify: Restart SSH
- name: Allow SSH in UFW
rule: limit
port: ssh
proto: tcp
src: {{ my_ip }}
- name: Allow WireGuard in UFW
rule: allow
port: '51820'
proto: udp
- name: Deny everything and enable UFW
state: enabled
policy: deny
log: true
- name: Unit testing on initial configuration # unit testing to verify the system configured and tags are used to run specific block
tags: [ never, tests, conf_test ]
- name: Get the output of /etc/sysctl.conf file
command: tail -1 /etc/sysctl.conf
register: sysctl
changed_when: false
- name: Test if /etc/sysctl.conf is configured correctly
- "'net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' in sysctl.stdout_lines"
success_msg: "[PASS] IP Forwarding is configured correctly."
fail_msg: "[FAIL] IP Forwarding is not configured or misconfigred."
- name: Get the output of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
command: cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config
register: ssh
changed_when: false
- name: Test if /etc/ssh/sshd_config is configured correctly
- "'PermitRootLogin prohibit-password' in ssh.stdout_lines"
- "'PubkeyAuthentication yes' in ssh.stdout_lines"
- "'PasswordAuthentication no' in ssh.stdout_lines"
- "'PermitEmptyPasswords no' in ssh.stdout_lines"
success_msg: "[PASS] SSH Daemon is configured correctly."
fail_msg: "[FAIL] IP Forwarding is not configured or misconfigred."
- name: Restart SSH
state: restarted
name: ssh
# Third play is for WireGuard installation and configuration for both server and peers
tags: wg
hosts: linode_wg
user: root
- ../vars/linode_wg.yml
- name: Installing and Configurating WireGuard
- name: Install WireGuard and QRencode on the Linode
name: [ wireguard, qrencode ]
state: present
- name: Generate WireGuard keypair
shell: wg genkey | tee /etc/wireguard/pri | wg pubkey > /etc/wireguard/pub
creates: /etc/wireguard/pri
- name: Register private key
shell: cat /etc/wireguard/pri
register: wg_pri
changed_when: false
- name: Register public key
shell: cat /etc/wireguard/pub
register: wg_pub
changed_when: false
- name: Setup wg0 virtual interface
src: ../templates/wg0.conf.j2 # Jinja2 template is used for templating the wg0.conf files
dest: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0640
- name: Start and enable WireGuard service
state: started
enabled: true
name: wg-quick@wg0.service
- name: Unit testing on WireGuard configuration # unit testing for wireguard configuraiton
tags: [ never, tests, wg_test ]
- name: Check the private key file location
path: /etc/wireguard/pri
register: pri_key_file
- name: Test if the private key file exists
msg: "[PASS] The private key file exists."
when: pri_key_file.stat.exists
- name: Register private key
shell: cat /etc/wireguard/pri
register: wg_pri
changed_when: false
- name: Dispaly WireGuard Private Key
debug: var=wg_pri.stdout
- name: Check the public key file location
path: /etc/wireguard/pub
register: pub_key_file
- name: Test if the public key file exists
msg: "[PASS] The public key file exists."
when: pub_key_file.stat.exists
- name: Register public key
tags: always
shell: cat /etc/wireguard/pub
register: wg_pub
changed_when: false
- name: Dispaly WireGuard Public Key
debug: var=wg_pub.stdout
- name: WireGuard peer(s) configuration # this block is only executed on localhost but not on the newly created Linode so 'delegate_to:' must be used.
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Read users.csv file
path: ../wg/users.csv
register: users
- name: Generate WireGuard user(s) keypair and configuration # loop thru users.csv file and produce both server and peers configs
include_tasks: wg_user.yml
loop: "{{ users.list }}"
- name: Update WireGuard server's wg0.conf with wg0_peer.conf # this block is executed on the Linode's wireguard server
- name: Merge wg0_peer.conf into WireGuard server's wg0.conf
line: "{{ lookup('file', '../wg/wg0_peer/wg0_peer_{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}.conf') }}"
dest: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
notify: Restart WireGuard
- name: Restart WireGuard # everytime updating wg0.conf it needs to restart the wireguard service
state: restarted
name: wg-quick@wg0.service
- name: Create directory for user{{ item.usr }} # ensure that 'user' and its relevant subdirectories are created.
path: ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/
state: directory
- name: Generate WireGuard peer's keypair for user{{ item.usr }} # issue wireguard peer's keypair
shell: wg genkey | tee ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}.pri.key | wg pubkey | tee ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}.pub.key
creates: ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}.pri.key # do not run this task if the private key is already created for idempotency
- name: Generate WireGuard peer's configuration for user{{ item.usr }} # produce wireguard peers' configs with its private key and server public key
prikey: "{{ lookup('file', '../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}.pri.key') }}"
src: ../templates/wg_peer.j2
dest: ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_peer.conf
- name: Generate QRcode for WireGuard peer's configuration for user{{ item.usr }} # encode the peers' configs to QRCode in .png format for mobile devices
shell: qrencode -o ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_peer.png -t png < ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_peer.conf
- name: Ensures ../wg/_QRCode/ dir exists
path: ../wg/_QRCode/
state: directory
- name: Copy user{{ item.usr }} QRcode to _QRCode folder # QRCode collection for easy distribution to the end VPN users
src: ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_peer.png
dest: ../wg/_QRCode/user{{ item.usr }}.png
- name: Generate WireGuard server's configuration for user{{ item.usr }} # produce the server side wireguard configs for easy rebuild and idempotency
pubkey: "{{ lookup('file', '../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}.pub.key') }}"
src: ../templates/wg_srv.j2
dest: ../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_srv.conf
- name: Merge user{{ item.usr }}_srv.conf into wg0_peer.conf # merge all server side configs into one conf file to directly deliver it to wireguard server and apply
line: "{{ lookup('file', '../wg/user/usr_{{ item.usr }}_{{ item.ip }}/{{ item.usr }}_srv.conf') }}"
dest: ../wg/wg0_peer/wg0_peer_{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}.conf
create: true
To tear down the Linode, run playbooks/wg_PURGE.yml as below.
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/wg_PURGE.yml
# This play is for destroying the running wireguard server on Linode. RUN IT CAREFULLY!
- name: Delete Linode
hosts: localhost
- ../vars/linode_wg.yml
- name: Delete your Linode Instance.
label: "{{ hostname }}"
access_token: "{{ token }}"
state: absent
Now you see how easy it is to build and tear down WireGuard VPN server Linode with one Ansible command in DevOpsy fashion. Hope it's helpful and informative.